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Dr. Kathy Overbeke has published original research articles and co-authored book chapters. She also is a highly regarded speaker and source for reporters seeking information on family businesses in the United States and abroad.
Research Publications:

Shared vision between fathers and daughters in family businesses: The determining factor that transforms daughters into successors
Frontiers in Psychology, May 29, 2015
Dr. Kathy Overbeke, Dr. Diana Bilimoria, Dr. Toni Somers

The dearth of daughter successors in family businesses: Gendered norms, blindness to possibility, and invisibility
The Journal of Family Business Strategy, September 2013
Statistics reveal a dearth of daughters among successors of family business owners. In one of very few
empirical studies on the subject of daughters who do not follow in the footsteps of their entrepreneurial
fathers, we examined factors that may contribute to daughters’ self-assessments of succession.
Dr. Kathy Overbeke, Dr. Diana Bilimoria, Dr. Sheri Perelli

Colombia: The Challenges of Father-Daughter Succession in Colombian Family Businesses
Gower Publishers, London, 2012

Chapter in "Father-Daughter Succession in Family Business: A Cross-Cultural Perspective"
Book by Halkias, D., Thurman, P., Smith, C., Nason, R., (Eds).
Chapter contributed by Dr. Kathy Overbeke, Dr. Melquicadec Lozano, Dr. Keanon Alderson.

'Kambirí', an Entrepreneurial Alternative for Afro-Descendent Women Displaced by Violence
Gower Publishers, London, 2012

Entrepreneurship and Sustainability: Business Solutions for Poverty Alleviation from Around the World
Gower Publishers, London, October 2012
Daphne Halkias and Paul W. Thurman (Eds.)
Dr. Kathy Overbeke, Dr. Melquicadec Lozano, Dr. Keanon Alderson

Media Interviews:

RELATIONSHIP RESCUE: Planning, preparation can help head off family rifts
Crain's Business, June 2016

Refereed Conference Presentations:
Overbeke, Kathyann Kessler DM, Neff, John DM (October 15, 2011), The Art of Shared Vision. Presented at the Family Firm Institute Annual International Convention, Boston, Massachusetts.
Boyatzis, Richard E., PhD. (Chair), Kathy Overbeke, DM (August 15, 2011), Panel Symposium, The Power of Vision in Team and Organization Development: Vision as a Crucial Mediator. Presented at the Academy of Management Annual International Conference, San Antonio, Texas.
Overbeke, Kathyann Kessler, Bilimoria, Diana PhD (August 2010) Into the Family and Business Nexus: Presented at the Academy of Management Annual International Conference, Montreal Quebec.
Overbeke, Kathyann Kessler, Bilimoria, Diana PhD, Boyatzis, Richard PhD, Perelli, Sheri DM (August, 2008) The Dearth of Daughters in Family Firms: Why do so few daughters succeed their fathers at the helm? Presented at the Academy of Management Annual International Conference,
Anaheim, California.
Overbeke, Kathyann Kessler, DM, Boyatzis, Richard, PhD., Horvitz, Michael J., Miller, Stephen P., Neff, John DM (October, 2013), Adaptation and Family Business Sustainability. Weatherhead School of Business, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio.
Overbeke, Kathyann Kessler DM, Neff, John DM, (August, 2012) Shared Vision as a strong success factor in Mergers and Acquisitions. Hamburg Institute of Family Owned Business, Annual International Symposium, Hamburg, Germany.
Overbeke, Kathyann Kessler DM, Neff, John DM, (May, 2012) A New Approach to Family Business Continuity: Generation Integration. The Family Business Speaker Series, Weatherhead School of Management, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio.
Overbeke, Kathyann Kessler DM, (November, 2011) Shared Vision as a Unifying Agent in Family Businesses. Speaker at Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel.
Overbeke, Kathyann Kessler DM, (November, 2011) Vision as a Crucial Mediator in Predicting Daughter Succession. Hamburg Institute of Family Owned Businesses, Annual International Symposium, Hamburg, Germany.
Overbeke, Kathyann Kessler DM, (October, 2011) Strategies for Family Business Renewal. Workshop for Glenmede Investment and Wealth Management, Cleveland, Ohio.